Thursday, February 12, 2015


1)      What is your motivation in this communication situation?
I am communicating to provoke the idea of how there is beauty in how the body works together. I am communicating to show people how diverse workouts can be.

2)      What do you hope your audience will do or feel or think after having experienced the communication you will produce?
I hope my audience will think about how muscle is actually created. I want my audience to have a sense of what every workout does.
3)      If there is some event or situation that made you want to communicate with others, describe it in as much detail as possible. 
I want communicate physical fitness because I used to be the scrawny kid in class. I want to communicate physical fitness because I was also the fat one in class.
4)      What would be the best possible outcome of the communication? What would be the worst possible outcome?
The best possible outcome would be that my audience gives physical fitness a try.
My work possible outcome would be that my audience does not trust me.
5)      How will your communication change the situation in which you make the communication?
It will help my audience consider fitness.


1)      Generate a list of audience characteristics.
My audience will usually be anyone above the age of 12. My audience can be any race or gender. They will also have some interest or maybe even some basic knowledge about physical fitness.
2)      Imagine your audience members at the moment they encounter the communication you make, no matter what you’re making.
My audience will probably be motivated enough to start looking up basic information the internet. Maybe they even started their journey to the gym and need to hear someone else’s story on why they lift and/or run. They will be motivated or mad.  Mad because they might be fed up with their body image.
3)      Filter your list.
My audience can be anyone that is starting to get into physical fitness. They might want to try something new or they might fed up with their body image.


1)      The time of the communication
The time of communication can be any time since it is on the internet. My audience is going to be able to hear my thoughts any time of the time or anytime of the year.
2)      The place of the communication.
The place of the communication will be behind a computer. They can be using a Personal computer or a in a public area
3)      There border context of the communication
The internet is where the blog is going to be so my audience might not trust the information I provide. They might think it is not real science.

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